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How to overcome and examples of egocentrism in Toddler

How to overcome and examples of egocentrism in Toddler
How to overcome and examples of egocentrism in Toddler
How to overcome and examples of egocentrism in Toddler. While engrossed in playing his favorite beam, Hilda, who was 3 years old, was furious when another child took the pieces of the beam he was building.

"Hilda, that's Rico's toy rack. We'll return it. You play your own, "the mother coaxed. Instead of being returned, Hilda gets angry and discards the pieces. Of course Rico did not stay silent and go mad. The argument broke out.

Toddlers learn anger from parents

Toddler 3 years who tend to be egocentric or selfish, it is still difficult to understand that others can be angry if he behaves unpleasant. No problem, you can be a "bridge". The attitude of Hilda's mother you should imitate. Toddlers also learn there are others who can be angry too.

When toddlers be nice, for example giving a cake to a friend, you can explain the emotional situation of his friend. Say, the friend would love to be nice, like giving a piece of cake. Or if his friend is sad, teach also the situation what was experienced by his friend. This action can cultivate an attitude of empathy in him

Know the emotions of toddlers by playing

In addition to know the emotions of others by saying directly as above, you can also invite him to play the role. For example, you act as a child who does not want to take a bath and a toddler plays your role. See how he chooses words and takes attitude. You can giggle at how to "photograph" you when you shower. In addition, of course he can also learn that you can also be upset when he did not want to take a bath.

You can also create a scenario with a 3-year-old toddler and invite him to play in a funny costume. Scenarios can be situations outside your daily life, such as when a princess loses her beloved crown, or when a small prince gets a small dog. Exciting as well as invite toddlers learn empathy!

Ok! thank you for reading my first parenting article about examples of egocentrism in Toddler


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